Gentle Gina.... A Continuing Story of God's Grace.

God is so good! God is sooo good!!! Can I get an "Amen"??? Please click here to read more about Gentle Gina's continuing journey of healing from "worthless" to an instrument of God's Grace through Canines4Christ.

May I pray for you?

If you would like me to pray for you or someone you love, please send me an e-mail. I have a tender heart for you, my brothers and sisters, and will genuinely pray for you by name (first name only please).  I will create a "Prayed For" list and put first names only (or Anonymous # 1, Anonymous # 2, etc.) AFTER I have personally said a prayer for you and/or your loved ones. Unspoken prayer requests are welcome also and will be listed as Unspoken # 1, Unspoken # 2, etc. When you see your name on the "Prayed For" list, you will know that you have a sister in Christ who has genuinely prayed for you and brought your prayer request to our Father's Throne.

Meet Helen

Hi Everyone, I live in Florida with my husband Ed. We have been married for 31 years and we have two adult daughters, Sarah and Anna. Ed and I were college sweethearts who met in 1983, got engaged one year later in 1984 and married one year later in 1985. We would have married earlier, probably after about one year of courting, except we were both soooo busy with full-time work and full-time college that we just honestly didn't have time to plan a wedding until Summer Break (You will notice that we got married at the end of the summer in late August. That was so we could have June and July to quickly plan our wedding. It was beautiful and we both have wonderful memories of our wedding day. Ed and I have lived in Tampa, FL since 1991 up until the present. My favorite movie is "Fireproof" and my favorite actor is Kirk Cameron. As of December 10, 2016, I am a 3-year breast cancer survivor! Hallelujah! Thank You, Father! My favorite song is "Overcomer" by Mandisa. When no one is looking, I can be found singing, dancing, and praising my Savior in the middle of my living room.


Inside My Heart: Christian Poems of Hope, Healing, and Friendship

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